Ocean and Atlantic; Joining
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The massive male wasn't sure how he was going to do it. He had taken the position of alpha with the encouragement of his family, and the support of his mate. With one of their children missing his mate had gone off to find her, leavig him alone to raise their other pups for a while (no big deal, he'd raised Sun and Moon completely on his own) and also leaving him to lead the pack without her by his side. Though Iskata herself held no hig rank in the pack (perhaps because of his overzealous efforts not to show favorites), it was her support, her strength that he leaned on. Without her to come home to and let her scent melt away the troubles on his mind each night, he didn't know if he could handle the job.

Still, Phoenix knew he could handle the job for a little while at least. Instantly he was upon his feet when he heard his eldest daughter's call and on his way to see who she had found. When the half-shifted male arrived to he scene, posture high and proud as an alpha's should be, he eyed the optime warily. Usually joiners cme to the borders unshifted so as not to appear threatening. While it was not a rule, it was still an unspoken courtesy. Nevertheless, there was obviously something about this wolf that made Dierdre believe this could be the newest addition to their pack--their family--so Phoenix was willing to overlook it. He nuzzled Dierdre quickly before geting to work. "Greetings," he spoke. "I'm Phoenix, the alpha. An' you are?"

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