The most beautiful thing we can experience
ind//for i bakvendt-land
indentind//der kan alt gå an

//Emwe Soul

tar det siste verset av en sang han ikke kan

The brown person who probably was his father seemed to think he was not, and proclaimed that he was a "girl". What was a girl? The little child had never been with girls, never met a girl, the only females he had been around was his mother, and an occasional visit by other people. He understood that mommy was a female, but no one else was, surely. And Conor and Emwe and daddy were apparently males, because they had things between their legs - daddy had said so once. Curious, Emwe looked between this person's legs, and saw that there was nothing. So ti wasn't daddy, then! She was right. After studying the area for a moment, the boy lifted his head to the face of the other and innocently gave in to his curiosity. What' a girl?

The Coli seemed to think that he was going to come with her, and although Emwe was very happy at the promise of food (his misery now halfway forgotten as there was stuff happening around him) he had been taught not to go off with strangers. This one looked like daddy, but that didn't mean it was daddy, apparently, and also perhaps that was exactly why he should go with the Coli. Sitting very still where he had been when the Coli came to him, Emwe maintained his frown as he looked at her, not really knowing what to do. She has asked him his name though, and that couldn't be bad, could it? I's Emwe. Mommy said not to go with peoples I doesn't know. It was childish honesty, and even though he was hungry he felt a strong need to make sure he did good things. And doing what mommy said was good, so he would do that. The child did not move.

When the Coli mentioned Alexey, the child's face changed to look as if it was made from wrinkles. Alexey was that angry woman who had just taken him from uncle Ly's place. She'd been so angry, and although she had been nice, too, the boy wished she hadn't been so angry. Uncle Ly was nice, and Emwe was fond of him - hence the title of uncle. He still did not understand why the warmly colored female had stolen him away from the comfortableness of the cabin. Thus, the boy did not exactly know what he thought about her, or her friends. Alexiii is angry. Is you angry too? Again a childish thing to do, but then again he was a child, and a young one at that. Sitting there, his tummy growled loudly, and he whimpered a little, but kept looking at the Coli. He wondered if the Coli was angry too.

//der er de like tøysete og rare alle mann //

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