nobody tells you where to go
Miriette's eyes danced as she watched the small form of the brown bat scuttle and dive in the air above. The soft sounds it emitted were soft on her ears as moment by moment the tiny beast was ridding the world of the insects that pestered the lot of them. She didn't quite understand why the bat had attached itself to her after she'd freed the critter when she'd startled a feline away that had managed to catch the swift winged rat. Her fangs glittered lightly as she traced the bats movements in the sky with one paw lazily as she hummed a little ditty to herself and tried to walk atop an old fallen tree, her balance excellent from the moons of tumbling and practice she'd managed to put in when she could. There were no reasons for the daringly strange hobbies she picked up, always her answer was just because.

Her slim figure slide off the treetrunk as she caught the scent of an approaching stranger. Long limbs like a coyote and the build as well she was blessed to atleast look more wolfish than coyote in every other aspect. A thick plush pelt of ebony with the sparkle of gold was always groomed and well cared for, the woman was vain about her good looks though her attitude and display to the outer world was that of a carefree self motivated young thing. Her silvery grey eyes flicked to the form of the woman as she finally made her appearance. "Ello. Der be a pack ere? I wish to join, yes?" A dashing smile appeared on her lips as she made her approach to where the woman stood, her every move very much that of a soul confident and at home in the body gifted to them.

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