rain on my parade
The dark minded woman's ears perked up almost instantly when another had called her name. Very few actually knew her name and even fewer tended to use it. The voice could only belong to one person and as the woman with the golden red locks turned to catch sight of the male she tried to hide the sorrow and pain with a smile. Soft laughter came from her maw as she grinned at her brother. "Kansas!.." She looked him over for a moment before continuing. "So they finally loosened the chains enough to allow you to escape?" She had realized as soon as he'd approached that he'd wanted her to come visit so long ago and of course things had become hectic and those wishes and plans had fallen through, but now here she was..

She flicked her tail back and forth softly against her leg as she tried for the longest part to avoid the question that she knew he would ask. And of course there it was. She flinched as those words were granted to her. Shaking her head she pawed at a small pebble in the path as she shrugged, trying to find an answer suitable enough for her sibling. "I don't know.. I'm alive, that's good, right?" Pathetic, that's what it was but she'd already spoken and she really couldn't take it back now.

Smiling slightly to Kansas she tried to push past it all as she asked. "How's life in the pack?"

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