http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... ump/12.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

The grayscale wolfess found herself nose-to-nose with the stranger as he turned to greet her. His face was kind, his greeting cordial. Geneva swallowed and tried to compose herself. The male seemed friendly enough, and had seemed to make himself familiar with this area, at least. The wolfess didn't have the benefit of a working nose, and had no way to discern his scent. Still, judging by his body language, he was trying to make himself at home. He had to be one of the new joiners.

She was quiet for a minute before a small, answering smile spread her tired features. She wanted to welcome this man, the way she had been welcomed here. Although Jefferson had seemed apprehensive - wasn't he apprehensive about everything to begin with? - he had been unconditionally tolerant. She would reflect the same values and extend her own welcomes to this newcomer. The tone of his voice implied that he felt out of sorts.

"Vukasin, I'm Geneva Stockholm. Welcome to Phoenix Valley," she said, her voice soft against the pitter-patter of rain on the roof. She stepped closer toward him, holding the door open with her tender side. She winced at its weight against her, and shrugging, stepped out into the elements with this new wolf. "Do you mind if I join you?" she asked as the door swung shut.

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