new pair of shoes, new way to dance

Ahren left and she watched him go with worried eyes. His son was still here, though. Naniko didn't care for Ahren much, (they didn't really get along), but she got along well with Jasper. She was distantly related to the younger De le Poer boy, through her aunt Misery. She wondered if they would have still become friends if she had come with the other wolves when they'd left over a year before.

When Laruku spoke about how large the family was, she grinned and nodded. She had been looking for them, the new ones that had just returned to the lands, but hadn't seen them either. Maybe they were still getting settled in?

"I hope to see them soon. I heard from someone in Storm that Iskata hasn't been around there much. I'll look around for her, and tell you if I find her anywhere." Laruku probably didn't even care where Iskata was...but she'd report back anyway.


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