The colour (and shape!) of magic

It was a bit scary, but surely there was nothing to be scared of! The strange and soft rock was moving every now and then, and it was a bit weird, the whole thing! Nevertheless, there was no reason to panic. Remember, this was a magical get-well rock, and it was going to make her a healer hero everywhere, because she was going to make everyone happy and healthy using this magical rock! There were more of them too! There had been four more where she had found this rock, but they had been broken somehow, and not really proper rocks anymore because they were hollow inside, and proper rocks weren’t. It had been lighter than the child had expected though, but the child had never seen an egg, so she had no idea that it was an unborn creature inside, ready to come out and breathe in the air of a whole new world. Noir had not come out of an egg! The child stopped in her tracks when she saw a big white guy coming her way. It was someone that was sick and he had come to be saved by her! There was no doubt about this in her mind. The child kept back a giggle, because the big man was walking in a weird way, and he kept looking at his own bum. The sight was funny! He had clearly seen her, because he came directly towards her, striding in a proud way, knowing that he was approaching to soon-to-be famous Noir Aston.

Closer and closer, and her ears started to flatten when he did not slow down. She couldn’t say anything because she had the magic rock in her mouth. She kept her faith in her own importance, though, so he knew she was there! He stopped right before she was stepped on, and looked down at her with something that seemed like a sort of surprise and/or annoyance. Noir did not pick up the annoyance part though, only the surprised look when he looked down to her. The girl wagged her tail, a silent greeting. He smelled a bit weird, but he was here, so he was family. They were all a big family here in the place called Aniwaya. He had pretty eyes. At least Noir thought so, and she was about to tell him so when the extremely big man began to talk. What was Noir doing? What? Did he not know that Noir had found something that would cure every sick wolf in the whole world? What had he been doing? He had been walking like someone weird, shaking his rump like a girl! Was he a girl? He had the thing between his legs, just like Attila, Claudius and Dawali, so he was a manthing. This was all so confusing. She would enlighten him. ”I has founded a rock that will make everyone feel good and not sick!” It was so obvious! She carefully laid down the soft thing, and it moved slightly. ”Look, it is magic rock and it is lives and weird.”


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