miracles will happen as we dream;

Geneva smiled as Honore responded, relieved that he didn't find her wish strange or outlandish either. She wondered what it would be like to soar through the air and shed the cumbersome force of gravity. What would it be like to fly above it all? Perhaps granting this wish would make her more of a coward. She could imagine just taking off, disappearing behind clouds and beyond the horizon when her fears caught up with her. Perhaps it wasn't any way to live, but she craved escape in place of confrontation. She was a quiet soul.

But his response brought another thought into the cluster of thoughts in her mind. It wasn't necessary to take such drastic measures to change her point of view. She tried to imagine how Honore must see her - would he think she was foolish? She didn't believe so, judging by his reactions to her words. Instead, it seemed she had found a kindred soul. Someone who was perhaps a bit introverted, someone who felt the pull of the gravity at the end of the rainbow.

Her eyes flicked back to the male. Her curiosity shifted restlessly inside her mind, rattling against her head as a myriad of questions bubbled up. She grinned, biting her tongue. She didn't want to frighten the male away with an incessant stream of questions. Instead she picked the most pertinent one, "What do you write?" She personally kept a journal, and was quite curious.


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