What could a little curiosity hurt?
ooc: Words:400+

What was this place? The ruddy hued wolf wondered, his gooseberry hued gaze scanning the large expanse of open terrain. The shaggy furred brute slowly sank to a sitting position at the edge of what appeared to be an old stretch of farmland. Rath had chosen to shift to his lupus form after having spent the last few days in his bipedal optime form. While he did like his taller, optime form best, he had felt a strong urge to walk around on all fours for awhile. Perhaps it was the fact that he could cover more ground quicker. Whatever his reasons were, he did not care to ponder them now. Instead, his attention was fixed upon the structure a few hundred yards away, nestled right where the field and the forest met. Could this be the farmhouse? This peaked his curiosity, leading him to rise from his haunches and head towards the structure at a leisurely trot.
He wondered if the home was inhabited? If it was, that would throw a wrench into his present plan. As of now, he was hoping that the house would hold some old farming implements, in particular an axe. He would be absolutely overjoyed to find an axe. A smile crept onto his features as he anticipated what he might find. However, just as he came within a few feet of the home, a shift in the wind carried the scent of another wolf right towards him. The scent carried the familiar hint of a Dahlia de Mai pack member, but beyond that he the smell did not reveal anything else to the reddish brown male. The fact that this home was obviously inhabited had just derailed his original plan completely. The tall brute paused for a moment, trying to formulate another course of action. He could, perhaps, knock on the door and see if someone was home. That way he could at least see who it was who lived here. Yes, that would suffice for now. He would have to find some other buildings to search later. With his mind made up, Rath padded up the front steps of the cabin. Then, before his shy, nervous personality could get ahold of his better judgment, he reached one of his large forepaws up to the door and pounded it three times in the traditional knocking manner. It quickly became apparent to him that knocking with one's paws in lupus form was not nearly as effective as knocking with one's hands in optime form. Hopefully his attempted knocks had been sufficient to let the owner of the house know that they had a guest, if they were there that is.

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