What could a little curiosity hurt?

Raging against reason, the man was taking a little walk again. His creamy limbs were dragged lazily after him, and the half eaten tail hung lazily between his legs, only slightly taunted now and then by a breath or two from the breeze. The children were somewhere, and he did not particularly care as long as they did not bother him. He was certain Conor would do his best not to get in his father’s way. Not after the last confrontation. Poor child, where were the child services when they were needed, huh? He felt slightly better today, though there was still this ever present head ache and the fever coursing through his body. He was back at the cabin and just rounded the corner when he saw the big and ruddy hued wolf standing at his doorsteps, pawing his door. Pawing Haku’s bloody door! For a split mad second Haku imagined it was another trespasser seeking to invade his house. It was insane how much shit had happened, how many strangers that had walked right into his house thinking they had the right to wander wherever they wanted. Oh, he had proved them all wrong. A sneer started to bloom in the chocolate and cream male’s face as he started to walk towards the man. Then the scent of Dahlia reached him, and the other wolf turned into something immune. Just as good.

The man removed the threatening sneer and silenced the growl that for a moment had leaped into the air and announced the approach of a bloodthirsty creature. The male slowly padded up towards the male, looking up at the other beast with a mild curiosity. Truth be told, he was slightly surprised he had no idea who this guy was. Haku was usually updated on the member, and would normally be able to recognize any Dahlia de Mai member regardless if they had met before or not. He had been sick for a while though, so it was no surprised that his knowledge was outdated with empty holes. ”Yes?” He had been scratching at the Lilium’s door, and now the Lilium was here at his service. Always at someone’s service. Goddamn, and usually with no gratitude whatsoever. Oh well. The secui paused, awaiting an answer.


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