You're Gonna Go Far, Kid
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Kansas never seized himself up. Not often, anyway. He wasn't small but he wasn't huge, either - not like Jazper. While he didn't consciously envy Lucifer's boy, Kansas had no doubt in his mind that he need never worry about losing fights unless it was him to a group. A big group. But Kansas... he was just average. Reasonably well-muscled, but lean and slim. And right now, with the rain slicking his coat to his skin, he probably was inching toward scrawny. This wasn't an impressionable way to be when patrolling the borders, which he already hated.

The boy before him was of just about the same size and stature. Kansas felt uneasy about the stranger, and that coupled with his sour mood put a frown on his pale face. What did this boy think he was doing? If he had business here, or with someone, he should have called. He should just explain himself. Kansas waited for that explanation, but it never arrived. All he got was a snarky retort, and felt his stomach do a somersault borne of uncertainty and outright irritation. "What?" he responded, his voice dripping with uncharacteristic venom. He stood still, one fist clenched, noticing only then that the gap between them had shrunk. But he regretted his hasty reply immediately. Whatever this was, with him, with this boy... it wasn't going anywhere nice.


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