To sleep, perchance to dream

That’s okay! And I’d love a Corvus one, ^=^ We could start it after this one is finished if you’d prefer that~

Unable to respond in any other way, the warrior simply smiled. She knew of what he spoke and of what he didn’t speak, and it made her appreciate the course her life had taken. Before, she had run alone, avoiding her father by traveling in the ice world of the North. Food had been scarce there, but the cold washed away her scent with a celerity that did not exist within the warmer continents, and she had been able to avoid being found by her father. But the warrior had not been able to truly exercise the will of her passion save for upon those unfortunate to threaten her food, shelter, or life, however transient those things might have been. And then she had traveled down, coming ultimately to these lands. And there was safety here—she could feel it. It was not the security felt by a pup in the protection of its parents but the security of the knowledge that one could rely upon another. It was one that she preferred. And even if she did move about with Death at her heels, she was no longer alone. Thus was the nature of her dichotomic solitude.

A soft smile flickered across her maw. “You will be surprised,” the alto melody assured the dual colored male. Patience was a strange thing found in strange places. “Perhaps I will come one day to meet them before they grow older,” the warrior mused aloud. She was not particularly fond of the younger creatures, disliking the lack of attention. It was a strange thing for her to dislike, but it was simply a dislike applied to all creatures regardless of age. And yet, the coyote of Inferni, Ezekiel, was both young and disciplined. He was a wonder to the warrior, for his manner and soul were quite refreshing. He was the hope of the future relations between Inferni and Dahlia de Mai, and the warrior would work to allow Cercelee’s wishes to persist. Perhaps these pups would hold just as much promise, and so the warrior would go to see them if only to ascertain this one curiosity. “I don’t know how I’ll be able to help; I know so little of these things.” And the warrior had no trouble admitting to such a thing.

The woad bound warrior shifted slightly as she listened to the male’s words. Her mind was moving quickly, more so than it appeared. “One should not disregard a Dream, especially in times of stress. It is the stress that calls the Dream, for stress moves our minds to seek answers.” The warrior paused for a moment, considering the male’s words. “That this warning of Darkness should come now to you when there had been no Dreams is significant.... My own Dreams have been plagued by the Dark.” The white orbs looked up at the soft blue eyes as she admitted this fact, wondering if the same Darkness was being warned of in these Dreams. “The Dream is like a guide in your life; it may not be clear now what it is that you Dream, but it will become clear....” The words were spoken slowly but with a certainty. Perhaps she would have been able to help, but she knew not of the Dark that plagued her own Dreams.


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