Change the system, break the shape

i gotta be my own boss no matter what the cost

The entrance was square, the heavy earth harvested stone created the gloomy and hard surface that she walked into. The floor was solid beneath her, different from the cracked concrete or the soft wooded planks that made the manor’s floor. It was slick, but heavy with the dust of being unused. Violet eyes took in her surrounding, following her nose that led her everywhere. There was something here, familiar yet distant. The foyer lead to hallways, and from the hallways it looked like smaller rooms.

The young girl didn’t move much time to explore, before being met with the figure that was the only familiar thing that the building contained. The brim of his hat met her eyes, looking upward to see the ears the poked through their holes. Her gaze traveled downward, and rested on the veil he wore. There was the scent of blood on him, though Mati was sure that it had been there before. It was always part of his identity, but now it hung heavily on his coat.

He hid his pain well, with no eyes to meet and his face shadowed by the hat’s brim and his body covered by his jacket Onus was able to shroud almost everything. Still Mati was keen to the changes of the air and the energy that surrounded those she cared for. Her voice was lost for a moment, and he had frightened her slightly. Swallowing hard Mati looked into the cloth, Onus? Not sure why she spoke as if she questioned the beast’s identity Mati took another breath before finding her voice, You scared me.


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