take my hand, off to never-never land.

OOC: Has you some mega delay fail! 300+

The weather was so miserable, but Lubomir supposed that it fit the whole mood of the pack. And why not? The Haku and Firefly puppies were missing, gone without a trace. Where to start looking? Where? He was sleeping less and less and his mind seemed to be one huge infinite black hole. He could not make out properly where his reality ended and his dreams started. He would lie awake next to Mew and hold her close, inhaling her scent. Then the next thing he could remember he was wondering through his books, dazed and bleary-eyed, awake for far too long. Now, though, he could at least say where he started and where he ended instead of being one giant circle of confusion and dread.

It needed to stop raining. Maybe that way he could find his head, calm down. Find the puppies. Everything would be perfectly okay. Maybe he could be a father, too? Maybe he and Mew... how could he even consider something like that? The grey wolf let out a small whine. Where could those children be? Where? He closed his eyes and tried to picture himself somewhere else, maybe home, back home, his real home. He could almost imagine his sister nuzzling his awake, her cold wet nose pressing against his side, her fur mingling with his. The den still held the collective warmth of the pack, the sighing forms of the others. There was someone pressing against his leg, someone nice and warm, someone safe. Lubomir opened his eyes. He was cold and wet and the someone pressing into him was a rock. Nothing like the Old Country. Nothing at all.

With a sigh, the male got up and shook himself. He was ready to go back to the house he shared with his mate when a form caught his eye. A small form. Running. What the... Lubomir's eyes widened. One of the puppies? No, much older. Well, older than the missing ones. Lubomir's form tensed. Who was this lost thing? Hello? Stop right there! Tell me who you are! He couldn't believe his eyes. Maybe this pup was lost. It sure as hell was doing a lousy job as a spy.


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