The power of the broom

Word Count: 373

Waiting, Dawali continued to whistle a little, a barely audible melody, as his eyes tried to penetrate those leaves and offer his ego the satisfaction of having been right. He wasn't an arrogant man, not even a little, but as most people he liked being right in his assumptions. It felt good when one's body and senses worked together, and could work well enough to foretell such things. It was as if everything was in tune, the season, his body, his mind, his senses. Everything felt good, and Ember couldn't possibly have run into him on a better day, garbage day or no garbage day. Before long, his yellow eyes could indeed grant him satisfaction, as moving out of the vegetation came Ember - as expected. Smiling, Dawali waved as she came towards him on his path, eying the leather bags. The wave became a throwing-like movement mid-action as he quickly threw her offer away. What, these? There's no need for that. They weren't really that heavy, just large and.. well in fact they were quite heavy, now that he thought about it. obviously thinking for a moment, as if interrupting himself, he changed his mind a quickly contradicted his previous statement. Well, they are kind of heavy. Smiling again, his hands moved towards them when he spoke, although he made no sign of intending to pick the bags up again right away. If Ember wanted to carry one he'd let her help, but if she didn't and simply asked out of politeness, he'd put her at a liberty to choose. If she would rather like to stand here and talk, they could do that - the bags of garbage weren't going anywhere anyways. Funny, I ran into your sister Naniko a moon or so ago, she said you were a very independent one, and right she was - I haven't seen you in ages!. It was true, and Dawali noticed how he was more relaxed, more himself, around Ember. At least compared to for example Firefly, or Catherine or Ayegali. Ember seemed more on his level, perhaps... he couldn't explain it. Leaning towards the tree he'd been standing by, the male crossed his arms, looking at his dark-pelted friend and smiling playfully.

Awesome sexy table and avatar by Kat! Big Grin

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