What could a little curiosity hurt?

Rath remained perfectly silent as the male introduced himself and looked him over. Everything about this male's mannerisms screamed that he demanded respect. His superior posture made Rath loosen his own tensed muscles, lowering his tall stature ever so slightly. It was only polite to defer to those of higher rank. While Haku had not mentioned his rank in his introduction the fact remained that Rath was still on the low end of the food chain, nearly everyone was higher on the totem pole than him at this point. For now, he was perfectly content to remain at his current, low rank. Hopefully he would get the chance to prove himself in the future. Rath's analytical mind was quickly drawn back to the present situation by the male's short question. Anything else? Should he really ask Haku if he had any spare tools? Would he be overstepping his boundaries? He wasn't at all certain, but he figured that the best way he could answer at the moment was as truthfully as possible. Perhaps that might win him some points with the chocolate hued wolf. After all, honesty was a good quality at times wasn't it? "Actually, I was wondering. Would you by chance happen to have any human tools that I could use? You see I'm a woodwright and a bit of a carpenter. I build various things out of wood, although my present specialty is instruments. However, I am hoping to try and construct my first full building, once I get some tools that is," his tenor voice spoke in a firm yet submissive tone of voice. He did not wish to be an annoyance to the male, although something inside him told him that he was already being a bit of a nuisance by bothering Haku further in the first place. Oh well, hopefully his inquiry would be met with a simple affirmative or negative answer, nothing too dramatic. The secui seemed as though he was ill and needed rest, something the nervous ruddy hued male did not wish to deny him for too much longer.

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