Walking with Strangers
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The trail was lost, and Anu wandered with no guide. Nothing to push her in one direction or another she thought aimlessly if she was destined to walk in circles for the rest of her life. maybe it was for the best? Maybe she would heal in the mean time, and then she would be ready to venture back home. New, reformed into something better. It was a hopeless endeavor; the scent of another was already breaking her idle pilgrimage.

Something so harsh surrounded the air the approaching female held. Like a knife her scent cut Anu deeply, and she filtered through memories to sort out where and when she had experienced it. Her voice pierced her ears, and Anu could not help but take a step backwards. She was Dahlia de Mai. Anu was sure, but no her scent was something just a bit different, faded and mixed with something artificial, and maybe even lightly of sex. Anu held her breath for a moment before she could find her voice, Anu. Was that all she was? Not the Brigadier General of Crimson Dreams? Not even an O’Sheah as her father and mother had claimed when she was born.

Something about her made Anu nervous. Maybe it was her sneer, or the light scaring that she traced up her arms or the cut patterns on her face. Blue eyes shone bright against her faded color, and she managed a feeble. Why? Who are you?


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