Nothing is real ‘til it’s gone
Her personal den, the one Poenix had given to her at her induction into Storm, had been lost in the avalanche. The thougth to replace it had been settled at the back of her mind. But now it seemed that such a thing hadn't to even be thought of now. She hadn't a single qualm with sharing a den. But then the yougn lass hadn't learned such things as the boundaries of personal space nor the need for privacy just yet. So why would sharing a den with the rest of the pack be something that would put her on edge? She already thought of them all as fmaily anyway.

Pale eyes had watched the fire being started. Intently watching as they had done when her sister had built one. This one didn't have food cooking over it though. She found this odd but figured that fires were only for cooking. Momentary glance was spared to all those gathered around her. Most she hadn't seen before now but that didn't bother her. Eyes settled back on the fire as she watched it spark into full life.

Carefully she shuffled on her belly to move close to the ring of heat. Snow melted from her pelt but the pup didn't find herself all that concerned. Rather she listened to the voices of the others as she curled up. As blankets were handed out she hadn't bothered to take one for herself. Being a quadraped there really wasn't much use for it. Plus she didn't really know what it was or what it was for. The heat of the fire and her own body heat that remained trapped by the tight curling of her petite frame would be enough for her. At least she thought so though her moistened fur had her shivering a slight bit.

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