here in my quiet satellite

Geneva angled her face down so Jefferson wouldn't catch her rolling her eyes at him. He tried to seem so unaffected by everything, as if he honestly didn't care what she thought or had written about him. But his actions betrayed him, the tight way in which he stated such loose words. Her smile was hidden by her down-turned face as she flipped the pages of her journal back, looking for a particular entry. She was too embarrassed to share any recent discoveries she had made, putting her pen to paper. She wasn't ready to share those yet. Those thoughts still echoed fresh in her mind, raw and new, something for her to explore.

She screwed up her face as her light colored eyes scanned the page, unconsciously wrinkling her nose as words flew in her vision. Then her face smoothed out, satisfied when she found a particular entry, one that she wouldn't mind sharing. Sighing exaggeratedly, she stretched out her arms in front of her, propping her chin on her hands again as she read aloud. "Today I meandered - foolishly, as usual - into a new place. The male I encountered was strange, to say the least." She grinned, looking up at him for a moment before returning to reading to him. "He seemed angry, and that frightened me. But after several moments, I did not run, although he told me to. His name is Jefferson, and I think that I may want to see him again."

She swallowed before continuing, feeling ridiculously self conscious revealing her thoughts like this. But upon glimpsing Jefferson's face, she noted the ghost of a smirk on his face. Raising her chin a little, she narrowed her eyes and continued reading. "He's unlike anyone I've ever met. I've never felt so rooted to one spot before in my life. It was hard to swallow his anger and to see the sudden shift with in him. In short, I don't understand him at all."


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