Change the system, break the shape
sorry, short D:

After she spotted him they just stared at one another for a few moments. Social interactions were far from Onus' forte. There were very few creatures he was able to communicate with at any comfortable level. Cwmfen was the only one he didn't feel entirely awkward around. Though there was still some of that, but of a different kind. A kind that the coyote wasn't sure about what it was. No one had ever done anything for him before. She had saved his life. He still didn't understand why. His whole life he had been sunk deep into the idea that no one could care for him. He would never have a friend. Now that an experience was contrary to that notion he didn't know what to do.

It was clear she was nervous and he had startled her. This somewhat surprised the yote. Last time he had seen the girl she had been fairly bold, not seeming afraid of much aside from the city and her father. Perhaps she was nervous because she was inside the city, or at least very close to it. "Yes," he affirmed, though he knew he could not be mistaken for anyone else. "Sorry. Did not mean to." He wondered if she could smell the blood on him. If she could smell how close to death he had come. Right now his wound and its wrapping were covered, but anyone who had seen him before would know when he moved that something was amiss. He stayed where he was, somewhat self conscious about his impediment.


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