nobody tells you where to go

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!! out of character.

Let me show you the wonders of life

Whinnie had not expected such rudeness from the women. Of course it didn't surprise her that the other was French. The friendly smile that had harbored her face before dropped to show a serious blank stare. The women was lucky that she wasn't speaking to Jefferson in such a way. Je suis venu parce que je pense qu'il serait impoli de vous laisser seul à la frontière. Fred said with a face that showed her lack of amusement. Apparemment, j'ai eu tort et vous avez laissé à la pourriture. She said with narrowed eyes. The women was rude to be so lacking in respect. Fred was part of this pack what ever her rank was. "You'd be best to not talk to the others the way you did to me, and my Name is Whinifred you can call me Whinnie or Fred." She said it now with dejection as she pulled her bow higher on her shoulder, pissed and wanting to leave the female to rot until one of the two leaders happened to be free.


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