Innocence left behind

Why had she not come and talked to him? Bi-colored eyes regarded the man with no fear, only sadness. "When have you made yourself available to be spoken to? You brought us here, openly admitting Willow's presence, but never spoke one word to me. Anytime I went to see you, your mate was there, and to get near you was to be near her as well. I didn't think that would go over well with her. I've tried so damn hard to stay out of her way so she wouldn't have to publicly adknowledge my existance." It was hard for the former leader to do that, it felt too much like submitting to the younger female. She was too entrenched in her ways, and having to avoid a situation for someone else's ease made her anxious. She'd had to stay in her house at all times just to avoid the female.
His words about monsters seemed almost ironic, given the emotional state of his oldest daughter when she'd first moved in. She gave a soft, dry laugh. "When I was a pup, I saw monsters everywhere. Being grown up just means you know the monster's names."


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