
Geneva looked sheepish, her ears flicking back. "You know, I'm not exactly sure about that," she confessed. She wasn't sure about a lot of thing in Phoenix Valley. It certainly presented a new lifestyle, one she had never considered before. She had been able to pick up some of its aspects. She was rather adept at herding some of the cattle this way and that while on four legs, and she no longer felt the urge to hunt them. As if she could bring one of the bulky cows down by herself!

There were other things she was more familiar with, other things that she could do with confidence. She scent-marked the borders, although she couldn't smell anything herself. She scouted, trying to make sure that no intruder with ill intent would step forward, but look where that had gotten her. She sighed at the thought. Well, at least she knew that she was good at least two useful things. She looked after Addison, and she could get a rise out of Jefferson like no other. Okay, maybe the latter of those two skills wasn't exactly helpful.

She smiled at his interest in cooking. She hadn't really tried anything like that herself, but in her previous pack, Crimson Dreams, she knew that Anu and Naniko cooked somewhat. She felt a pang in her heart at blue-eyed wolfess' name, but refused to let her face swim to the surface of her thoughts.

"I'm sorry that I can't answer all your questions," she said. "But, if you want to wait until after the rain lets up, I'd be happy to give you a tour of what I know, and after that, we can explore."


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