The power of the broom
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It seemed that springtime really brought out the best in everyone. Maybe that was one of the reasons that she felt better today, because of the nice weather. Ember had experiened things like snow, hail, and the like when she'd lived in Storm, back in the old lands, but it had never been as cold or as snowy as Aniwaya had gotten this last winter. It was a welcomed change, and even just a few degrees made a world of difference. The lands felt more alive than ever, animals coming out of their holes and dens to greet the world around them, new plants coming up from the soil. Her sibling over in Crimson Dreams was probably having a hay day, what with all of the new herbs that would be springing up.

If there was one wolf that she had always been able to go to for help, it was Naniko. A few months ago she hadn't looked too kindly at the female, with her trusting ways and caring attitude, though. She'd thought her a fool more than anything else. But now she was realizing that sometimes a person's weakness could also be their strength. Naniko was kind hearted, and yes, it could get her hurt someday...but right now, it was what she had going for her. Ember wished to be like her, in that way. To be more open and trusting of others.

"Cool" She leaned over, picking one of the leather bags up. It didn't seem too heavy to her, just bulky. She wondered what area he'd been heading to before, when she had stopped him. "Where are you taking them to? I was just coming back from the city. I found a couple of books that belong to a series I'm already reading." She couldn't remember if he read or not, but it was something that she really enjoyed. The Tamora Pierce books were really interesting, even if there was only a mention or two of wolves in the entire series. Mostly the books were about humans.

Dawali was giving her a playful sort of smile, and she shook her head at him. He could be pretty silly sometimes, but most of the time she only saw his serious side. She would have to come by more often, to see other moods of his. She thought that he was really interesting in general, really. "I've been out and around a lot, meeting up with some family members and hanging around Crimson Dreams a bit. Now that Tay and her puppies are getting along better, I've been going to see my brother Kansas and his mate and their new litter." It was at least a part of an explanation. She had been around Aniwaya plenty, but she'd always been pretty busy. "I also found a weapon, in the big castle. A sword. So I've been working with it and learning more about it. But what about you? What have you been up to? It's cool that you got to meet Naniko--she's known me my whole life."


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