Picking up the scent; blood in the water
http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... /raven.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom; border:1px solid black;">
How about a chase, where Brennt gets a cut in or something? Dawali can miss, I guess, if you don't want more scratches on poor beat up Brennt Wink
also, sorry for rambling - got inspired!
Word Count: 490

The male continued to reply to Dawali's demands as he had before - dimly, like a child. Simple sentences, and now his behavior proved to the sub-leader that this Brennt wasn't just sick in the head - he wasn't completely bright, either. Perhaps he was one of those who did not understand the unwritten rules of society, but for once Dawali did not care. In the man there existed an unfathomable empathy for lost souls, for those who wronged other unknowingly, and for those who did not come to this world with the same means to survive as everyone else. But this being, Brennt, he did not deserve this empathy, because he had overstepped too large a boundary! He would not be pitied, he should be dead! Or at least not here, not roaming free, free to murder and devour innocents. Dawali took a few steps forward, ever so slowly, his eyes narrowing by the minute. The mane, consisting of large beaded and feathered braids, which hung down his back seemed to rise as the male reacted to his animal instincts and puffed his furs. He was not the larger of the two, but there was no doubting who had the authority.

Clearly, Brennt was nervous, with every right to be. For a second Dawali contemplated - while still stepping forward very cautiously, very slowly - simply yelling at the male until he left. It seemed, with the nervousness that the other displayed, that it would be sufficient. That is, until the loner exclaimed words in terror, which again sent the red wolf's ear tips towards the sky. Only a second later they were hard against his skull again, though, as Dawali stopped moving completely - in shock. He had had his assumptions, and he had considered the creature before him to have vaguely confirmed them, but this! It was out in the open now - and Dawali stood still only a second before he moved, abruptly throwing himself diagonally towards the side of the male. He didn't go at him - it was a scaring technique. Again he did it - jumping to the side, rolling and getting up again standing. The red wolf male was circling the loner, doing so with sudden and forceful movements, hoping to force a reaction out of him. Dancing (as they called it, the warriors who had once taught him the technique) a third time, he spoke as he stood up, not recognizing his own voice for all the strong hatred in it. He stood there with shoulders broadened and his arms hanging dangerously from them, seemingly towering over the other, even if he were the smaller part of this situation. Can't I punish you? Which children have you eaten? Where did they live? Answer me! The last sentence was called out before he danced again, round and round the vicious thing who seemed to think it was o.k. to eat innocent children. He would pay.


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