to the limit.

Many might think that Garnet had irresponsible parents for letting her wandered so far unnoticed. That could be proven partially true time and time again, but today it was to Garnet's credit that she had slipped past the "guard" unnoticed, her black form moving easily and silently in the shadows. It wasn't that long of a trek before Garnet discovered something deliciously amazing. It was a city, taken over by the wild over the years that it had become uninhabited. Garnet, although mystified by the sight, was no stranger to human artifacts and buildings, and was quick to press on, blood red gaze fixed ahead as she began to wander the city blocks.

The next thing to catch the girls interest though would not be the lone doll on the street a few paces ahead of her, or the broken gum ball machine in the entrance of an already ransacked candy store, but the noise of an opening door. Curious, and not in the least hesitant, she headed off in the direction of the noise. Barely one street over she was met with the sight of a greenhouse, and her ears perked forward with interest, though her features, as always, remained well trained and bland. With no skip in her step, or wag in her tail, many might think she was sad, but this was just how Garnet was; emotionless, taking everything with a slow, calculating gaze, and an occasional amused smirk. Not even bothering to scent the air she moved right through the entrance, and was met by the sight of another.

Not seeming to care she moved on, not even bothering to pause and take the other in, even though she held the distinct tangy scent of pack, and such an alluring gaze. Head turning from left to right, the two distinct white "teardrops" beneath her left eye flashing in the dimmed light she inspected her surroundings in such an imperial manner that some might think she owned the place. Moving further in she left the older female behind, not seeming to care if she minded or not.

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