Gonna go Home

Alexey’s body stiffened when her sister shrunk back so suddenly. Not because she was angry or insulted; it was just the opposite. It hurt her to see Adelaida behave in such a way, even though it didn’t come as a surprise. The tawny girl couldn’t really blame her sibling. Not after their last encounter. Lexey had spent quite some time rehearsing different ways to apologize but none seemed good enough now. A simple “sorry” seemed so… impersonal, almost devoid of emotion. It was a little ironic now that she thought about it: hurting Adelaida had come so effortlessly. And now that she had to make amends, words were jammed in her throat.

The Caregiver tried to blink away the tears that followed her sister’s harsh revelation. She didn’t question it, fully aware that she'd been a terrible friend to Adelaida. It was her fault. “But I don’t want you to go,” she admitted sincerely, lowering her amber-colored eyes to the ground. Of course, Ade could go see Katanka if that’s what she truly wanted. Lexey knew it would surely please their mother. But she also really wanted her littermate to stay; DDM was her home too now, was it not? She couldn’t leave. “I never meant to hurt you, Ade."


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