banshee beat

She flinched at his words, even though she did her best to hide that. It wasn't that she'd never heard a curse word before, it was simply that she considered cursing to be something either used amongst friends or enemies... certainly not strangers such as she considered their current (and very short) relationship so far. Maybe, she replied, though she was pretty sure that wasn't the case at all. The humans were long dead and gone, and the new ruler of the world (or whatever their species was) wouldn't even dream of destroying the earth in such a way... or so she figured. Perhaps, though, some radical had gone and done this just a few years ago. But then, weren't they in danger of some aftermath effects? Radiation and that sort of thing? She certainly hoped not.

But why would somebody do that? she asked, questioning him again. There was something slightly odd about the male, as if he were already picking her apart from the outside in. She nearly felt she was being ripped apart by his eyes at this very moment, though she knew that probably wasn't the case at all. Flick had a habit of overreacting to the simple things (in this case, somebody observing her). She couldn't really say it was a good habit, either.


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