I am green today
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Savina nodded her head. Learning about pups in their first weeks of life wasn't something you could learn anyway but firsthand. Mothers wanted their privacy and bonding time with the newborns and most understood that. That wasn't to say that she didn't mind the company, quite the opposite. But at the same time she wouldn't have been happy to have someone with her all the time. These first weeks with her babies were precious and she wanted to savor them. "I didn't either before now, not really. It'll still be about a week before they open their eyes and can hear though. They're completely dependent on me right now so I only leave when I absolutely have to. Thanks to the pack that isn't very much though." The Lt. General was so thankful for all her packmates' picking up the slack of her maternity. It gave her the time that she needed.

The name Tayui she had heard before, but not Dawali. Surely they were members of Ember's tribe to the west of Crimson Dreams. It was good that the Phoenix girl had found a place where she finally fit in. Savina knew that had been a bit of a struggle for her. "That sounds very interesting! You should share that with your niece Brooklyn and nephew Haven. They're both very keen on the whole knighthood thing. So did you find a weapon? Did you go to the castle?" She had mentioned the large stone structure to Ember the last time they had seen each other before the birth.

"Kansas has been teaching me to read, so I'm still learning. He says I'm doing very well though." She didn't know if she would have the skills to make it through a whole book on her own yet. There were still many words that she didn't recognize on paper and she'd probably miss huge chunks of the story.


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