If you believe in me

His ears flattened slightly as she grew more uncomfortable. Though, her words made no sense to him at all. When the female let it be known that she did not even want this place to be her home, his eyes darkened slightly. He understood. This woman was useless, more than useless. She was only here because of the idiot caretaker’s sake. This woman would never be of value, because she was disloyal from the start. She had just said so herself, just in other words. It was the same thing. He took a step forward when her words sounded again, her question sounding suspicious in the furry chocolate ears. What kind of pathetic question was that? ”Not all. Why? Does it matter?” Was this what was her problem? Hating shifters? Alexey was a shifter, and the mere idea of hating shifters just because they could shift was the stupidest thing. Surely this was not the case, right? His tail slowly moved with the light breeze. He could easily make it worse for the woman, but it was interesting to investigate idiocy.


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