streets are uneven when you're down
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Haven just shrugged as Vukasin explained about his foot. He really didn't care about the foot. He was just trying to get back at the man for the nickname he had given him. He took another drink of rum. It was the only thing that comforted him anymore. Even the simple thought of searching out any of his family and friends made him sick. He didn't trust himself. Besides, he hated that he knew what his father was. The last thing he wanted to do was to let his sister's know where the other half of their blood came from. Surely they were lucky. They probably got more of Nani's attributes. Brooklyn had her color and Mati had her size. He was cursed to look like their sire.

His faced contorted into a sad frown at the questions. Even though he didn't really want to talk about it, it was better to tell the truth. If he refused to answer this guy would probably think he had done something wrong. He hadn't done anything wrong. That's what he was trying to avoid, keeping himself here. "No, they'd never kick me out. One of my mom's is the Commander." He took another quick drink, hoping it would make it easier. "I can't go back father. I just found out." Haven swallowed hard, a large lump had formed in his throat. "He raped her. He raped my mother. I...I look just like him..."


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