when you were young

Me! Big Grin

secretly falling apart

Ever since Faolin had shown her about cooked food, Empusa had been eating it that way. It just seemed to taste better that way, nice and warm...especially in the winter time. Half of the time the food that she ate was stuff that they dug out of their caches in the ground, places where they had stored old carcasses for wintertime, when they knew that food would be more scarce. So something nice and warm was welcomed. The last time she'd eaten had been the time that she had come upon Gabriel and his deer--she'd sat around long enough for him to get annoyed with her, and give her some of it. That seemed have worked out for her, her ability to be annoying.

The seven-month-old shivered a little as the cold wind went through her coat, her soft undercoat only protecting her a little bit against it. Sometimes she wished that she had the long fur that her mother'd had...that would be wonderful in the winter. Or to have a black pelt, one that would absorb the sunlight...how great that would be.

Empusa was fairly bored this morning, and was planning on going out to Clouded Tears to see if she could find Beppe. He was fun to play with--and maybe she would get to meet his mother. He'd said that he came here with her. For now, though, she was hungry. She'd have to eat if she was going to go all the way out to Clouded Tears.

The red eyed youth didn't see the other youngster until she crested a nearby sand dune, and even when she did see Toxic she dismissed his presence. He blended in so well with the gray sand that she didn't even see him-that is, until she came quite a bit closer. By that time she was too close to avoid him, and grudgingly stopped, watching him.

"Vot are you doing?"


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