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She didn't understand why he would want to keep talking to her, with the way that she'd been acting. But apparently he did. Ember wasn't too used to being around others, only her packmates or close friends, and sometimes she didn't know what to say to other wolves. What could she say? What did he expect for them, two strangers, to talk about? She had no idea. It was probably better to just let him lead the conversation.

"I guess the books will always be there. But I'm not sure if this library even has what I want. It's nice outside...but it's nice inside too. You should come in with me." A compromise, maybe. The female cleared her throat expectantly. He wouldn't really keep her from her book, would he? If he did refuse to let her in, she didn't know what she would do. She could come back later, maybe, when he wasn't there. Either way, she'd get her book eventually. She looked at him curiously, a sort of grin appearing on her face. Perhaps today was a social day. "Well? Whaddya say?"


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