Improper Methods
ooc: Words: 384
Rath listened quietly as Mew clarified how she had made her guitar and how she worked on other instruments. He nodded in silent response to her words, his arms crossed in front of his chest thoughtfully. "What other kinds of instruments have you found?" He inquired out of curiosity. Most of the instruments he had made were flutes and other small woodwind instruments, mostly because finding strings for stringed instruments was difficult. It would be interesting to know what sort of instruments Mew was experienced with should he need to ask her advice at some future time. His white tufted ears perked yet again when Mew told him the building she had found all of the instruments in. He heard her describe it as having at least three rooms dedicated to music and he was immediately excited. "It is to the north of Wolfville you say? I think I'll have to go there soon. Perhaps I'll travel there tomorrow. It sounds like the perfect place to look for all sorts of things." His tone of voice was excited and eager as he spoke to the white wolfess. He was so excited, in fact, that his tail had begun to wag in an unusual display of emotion for the male. His gooseberry hued gaze turned once more to look at Mew as his mind conjured up yet another question. He paused for a moment, not entirely sure if he should ask it. After all, he had done nothing but ask questions so far in this conversation. He wondered if the musician might think him a nuisance if he asked another. However, he thought about how the conversation had progressed so far and reminded himself that Mew had offered to tell him all she knew. If he didn't ask questions, she would not know what to tell him. He had saved himself from yet another bout of nervous stuttering and rambling. "How do you play your music? I do you learn the tones? Do you learn by reading musical notes or by trial and error?" He longed to be able to read musical notation, but as of yet he had learned to play only through listening to the sounds the instruments made and by stringing them together into whatever melodies he arranged in his mind.

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