Innocence left behind

The look in her eyes was worse than anything he currently could think of. He had not expected the woman to turn on him like this. Truth be told, he did not even like his own kids. This was not really about Willow, this was about Deuce crossing the borders further than she had the right to. She had wanted him to take part in her life and he had finally submitted, so this bold move by removing the child from Dahlia de Mai without any warning was extremely disrespectful in the male’s eyes. As if she wanted to hurt him. He bared his fangs at her words, listening to her pitiful excuse. Yes, everything had to be Firefly’s fault. He could easily have played along just to get to talk harshly of his ex-mate, but the Lilium was not that kind of wolf. He was a terrible beast, but he had no sense for spreading unnecessary gossip unless it was necessary for manipulation.

Her next words did not make any sense whatsoever. ”Oh, please, do not try to be deep with me, Deuce.” the man spat out at her. If that was a hint that she knew Coli’s little secret, then it was a poor one. It was too late to try to call him a monster. She had told her this several times, what he was. Hell, the white female should already have known that he was one, even close to purebred devil. He had attempted to rape her the first time they had met, so she should be familiar with what he was able to do. He was dangerous and disturbed, and he had never ever denied this fact. He had questioned it, true, but he had never denied it. ”You can blame me all you want, but what you did was wrong and disrespectful. I thought more highly of you, but I guess I did the same with Firefly. You are the same, all of you.” This was true.

He snorted, waving his tail behind him in an annoyed manner. ”Maybe now you will have time to attempt to heal my pathetic daughter’s emotional wounds. Hell, maybe you can finally make her discover some other conversation topics than the incest rape committed by her horrible, horrible psychopath father.” There was something in his words. God, it would have been a relief if that girl stopped wallowing around in self pity and get a life. He was so fucking tired of the drama she tried to cause around him.


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