What could a little curiosity hurt?
ooc: Word Count:409
Upon entering the barn, Rath inhaled the scents of the dust and aged wood within it. He liked such smells. They portrayed some things aged nature, as well as they were just pleasing to his senses. He caught Haku tilting his head toward the corner of the barn, and sure enough there was an axe. Rath was absolutely ecstatic and padded over to examine the tool more closely. He contemplated shifting to his optime form to examine the tool more closely, but decided against it for now. Right after he reached it, though, the Lilium inquired about who he was building the greenhouse for. He had expected the chocolate bi-colored male to ask such a question as it was only natural that a high ranking member of the pack would be interested in what was happening between pack members. "I'm building the greenhouse for Colibri Haki; and yes I do consider her a good friend, but I don't think I'm doing anything too difficult to help her. By letting me build her a greenhouse, she's helping me practice my carpentry skills. It's a mutually beneficial situation," he decided to leave it at that as he did not want to divulge too much about the conversation he had had with the timid female. After all, she had divulged personal information to him, such as her love for flowers and bits and peaces about her past. It was not his place to speak about such things. To his surprise, as he remembered his conversation with Colibri, his thoughts focused on his earlier observation that Haku reminded him of someone. His fur pattern and color, his eyes, these were almost identical to Coli's traits. Could Haku be Coli's father?
Rath kept his questions to himself. The entire time he was thinking about the resemblance between Colibri and Haku he was examining the axe with his vivid green gaze, making it appear as though it was the only thing he was thinking about at the moment. "This axe is in wonderful condition. The blade is still sharp, even though it seems to have been sitting unmoved for quite some time," he observed out loud as he noticed both the finely honed edge on the axe head and its worn wooden handle. He would be incredibly grateful if Haku would let him have such a tool, or even borrow it for that matter. That way he could at least get started on Coli's greenhouse.

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