My puddle of shit
Sankor sighed when Adelaida pulled herself away from his touch. He knew that his sister had always been a bit haughty when it came to certain things but he didn't like the way she was acting now one bit at all. He stood there watching her, so disjointed and ghostly. No words came from the woman for a long time, no real answer was given to what had happened to her. Her once sleek and plush pelt was now beraggled and she herself seemed to be reduced to skin and bones. He felt ill to his stomach but for once he didn't know what to do.

When her voice finally broke the silence his heart dropped. It was all back to what had happened when Alexey had returned to her pack.. and found her siblings there as well. He knew that Alexey's disappointment at him had been valid he had just up and left them with no real reason at all.. he'd hoped atleast that the girls would have been able to settle their differences but he could see now that that had never happened. "Ade.. you two always use to fight and bicker.. and like always in the end you'd make up.." He knew he was just shooting air because they weren't kids anymore and real life was a little bit harsher than their silly childhood wars.

When Adelaida changed her tune to include both siblings Sankor frowned and burst out. "Now you're just being impossible!" He sat down beside his sibling and shook his head, not knowing what she wanted anymore. "How do you know what I want Ade, have you even asked me.." He wasn't for certain but it just seemed that his sister just wanted to be miserable anymore. "Ade, I don't even know why I bother trying to prove anything to you.. you're just going to believe what you want..." there was sorrow in his voice as he stated what seemed to be the truth now.

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