Where Angels lost their wings

Rachias was rounding the side of the house at just about the moment that Gabriel had stepped outside. She could hear his steps, smell the plain as day scent that drifted toward her nose, and for a moment this caused her to slow. Perhaps it would have been better to find Faolin first, to have her take her to see her brother. The girl knew it was to late now though, and instead of faltering back she continued forward. Bright blue eyes searched the porch immediately as she finally came to the front of the house, spotting him there. The girl had grown quite a bit, almost six months now, and soon enough she would be able to shift and seem less like the little girl that she was portrayed as now.

"Gabby." She spoke quietly as she neared the porch, taking the few small steps up the stairs to bring her atop the porch also. She should have been more respectful perhaps, should have stayed off of the porch, but how else was she supposed to show him that she still considered Inferni a home, even if it wasn't her current one. "How are you?" She asked suddenly, situating herself on the porch so that she was seated, tail curled around her haunches and staring up at her older brother.


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