Cherished dreams are never asleep

One after another more arrived and Cercelee did her best to greet them all, but truly it was a party. Her eyes darted from one wolf to another as they took part in individual activities and she sipped slowly from her drink, content to just be with Slay and the children, viewing it all from a distance. Yet when Cwmfen arrived she smiled fondly at the Adonis and rose from her seat, moving to retrieve the wrapped present. The tissue it was wrapped in was crude and old, but the best Cer could find on short notice, she didn’t think the Adonis would mind. It was the book inside that was the gift, and it was a large one at that. She did not know how well Cwmfen read, and Cercelee knew very little, but she had read enough to understand this book belonged better in Cwmfen’s hands than in Cer’s. Cer had found it in the rafters of her home, the church, and it contained world religions and myths, meditation and mind control. Cercelee had removed it from it’s hiding place and dusted it off, making it ready to go to the Adonis. Even if Cwmfen was already well trained in the warrior ways, she thought the book might be of some interest to the mysterious women. Holding it out for the women to take, she spoke softly as for the other to not over hear. Thank you Cwmfen, for everything you do for Dahlia. Truly I couldn’t have asked for a better Adonis.

Though she stayed by Cwmfen’s side for many moment longer, she retrieved her drink and watched the activities of the others. Emwe’s distress and the removal of his cup, Alexey’s announcement of Drey and herself which Cer raised her glass to with a sincere Congratulations Alexey! and a silent proposal to get to know the male better. She watched the arrival of Sankor and Kol, waving to them both warmly. A female she did not know but who was welcome all the same, she held the scent of Dahlia in her pelt. Any member, new or old, had a reason to celebrate their pack if they wished. And then Firefly. The growl, the sneer and Cercelee’s eyes narrowed at the women. Turning to the sable warrior, she smiled Excuse me.

Moving over to the Solum, Cercelee’s stride was confident and calm, her face neutral. Firefly had not taken up any drink and greeted no one, merely standing there giving them all her usually nasty looks. The female had already fallen from grace in Cer’s mind. She had put the pack’s children in danger, allowing some stranger in Phoenix Valley to keep them hidden away. More so, Firefly was disrespectful now, more than ever and Cercelee resolved that if she wouldn’t put up with it any longer with Svara, nor would she do so with Firefly. If both wished to act like selfish children, Cercelee had no problem treating them as so. Her patience, as ever, was wearing thin with the pair. Voice low, but not unfriendly, she spoke so only Firefly would hear. If you wish not to be here, than go. An unhappy presence won’t be missed in this crowd. Now was a time for joy, not for sulking, which seemed to be all the woman did anymore.


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