40 tablespoons of sugar
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... annerx.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Luckily for this stranger, Honoré wasn’t much of anything. Not a hunter nor a scout, and definitely not a defender. He was just… him. He had no duties or specific talents to help Phoenix Valley, aside from giving his pack mates a good headache once in a while. He was quite good at that. He could also write poetry and cook, but that was about it. None of what he could do was actually useful. Jefferson was aware of that though, and he didn’t seem to care. And if he did, he hadn’t mentioned it.

Obviously, dealing with trespassers wasn’t his forte. He knew standard protocol, but calling for someone did not seem necessary right now. The Québécois didn’t have much flair, but he was smart enough to know this Lubomir chap belonged to a pack. So he didn’t want to join Phoenix Valley. Good, Honoré wouldn’t have known how to deal with him anyway. “Yes, speak English is okay.” he said, attempting to reassure the other male. The Frenchman brought a hand up to scratch the back of his head, wondering if he’d get chastised for not questioning this visitor before allowing him to cross the borders.

“Me? Honoré,” he said, pointing to himself. He wasted no time offering the grey wolf a piece of maple taffy, waiting anxiously to get some feedback. “For you,”


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