The power of the broom
Eh..Me too. you inspired me. Plus the fact that I had half the post saved from yesterday night and then wrote the other half today ^^ WC: 1000+

She was really glad that Savina's pups had all been born alive.. It was good news for a pack to have pups in it in general, because the pups would someday replace the adults as packmembers and leaders. Ember had heard that in most litters at least one or two of the pups died either while they were being born or soon afterwards. In Naniko's there had been two dead ones, she remembered. and Dierdre had told here that she'd also had two other siblings who had died, back when Dierdre had still been around before the fires. Ember had lost her sister, brother, and father all at the same time that day in the mountains between this new place and what used to be. A year had passed by, a whole entire year since felt like a lifetime ago that she had been living in Storm, surrounded by all of their smiling faces.

"We don't have a compost heap or anything here? I guess I didn't see one anywhere. In one of my old packs we had one...I don't remember which pack, though. Maybe Labrynth Glen. A place to dump all the old food and garbage. And I'd go through it and chop the stuff up, and we would put it on plants later in the year to help them grow." She looked at him, puzzled, when he asked about the city. Everyone had been there before! Or so she'd thought. "Halifax? It's to the Southeast of here. Maybe a day's walk or so? I'm not sure--I never really paid attention. But I go there a lot. Were there any cities where you came from? Back across the mountains there was also another city, Citta Umana."

It hadn't been required that they learn how to read back in Storm, but she'd been young when she had been taught the art. She didn't remember if it had been a packmember or somebody else who had shown her to begin with. Maybe it had been her father Phoenix, or Lubomir. She didn't know if her knowledge of reading made her any smarter than someone else; to her it seemed more like something that you had to learn and practice to be good at, just like hunting or learning a weapon. Anyone could do it, if they wished to and if they put in the time and effort. But reading could be harder to learn; she didn't know how many others could actually read it could be hard for a wolf to find a good teacher. Maybe she would teach her neices and nephew how to read, when they got old enough. "Yeah. I think we're pretty lucky. Nani had her pups right before winter started; I think that would have been harder. But they have a food thing in the basement, you know? Uh...I don't remember what she called it. But a hole in the ground where they put the food so it would stay frozen"

She looked back at him evenly, swinging the bag back and forth a little in her arms. There were times when she wondered about the pack hierarchy here, whether she ought to be showing Dawali more respect and reverence than she did, but he'd never approached her about the way that she spoke to him or to anyone else so she assumed that what she was doing and saying was correct. She had spent most of early adult life alone, in one pack or another, until she had found her old leader Tayui again. Being in so many different places had most definitely had some sort of an effect on her--each pack'd had its own set of rules and the wolves were required to act a certain way toward the leadership in each she was no longer sure if anything that she was saying was correct in both content and the way that she said it. Or who she said it to. To her, Aniwaya seemed to be slightly more relaxed in the packmember vs leadership aspect. Dawali probably knew how much she respected him without her having to say it.

She looked up at the sky for a moment, then toward Dawali again. It was a really nice day outside for doing things outside. Not too hot, but not too chilly either. Even with her dark coat, today she hadn't felt overheated at all on her walk back from the city. Maybe winter was finally giving up and losing its grip on Aniwaya. It would be nice to have some warmer temperatures, and to see what sorts of weather these new lands brought them. Before, she hadn't taken much note of the weather but now that she was completely settled in Aniwaya she noticed it more often.

He'd never been to the city, and she wondered about whether he'd been to Blackmoore Castle either. "Have you seen it? The castle? I was told about it by my sister-in-law. She said it was a good place to find weapons, and she was right. I think that this sword looks really good. There aren't any chips in it, and I've tried it on a few things and it's pretty sharp. The castle must have kept it safe from the elements; it was in an old storage room in the very back of the place."

Ember put the bag back down on the ground, pulling her cloak open on the left side to show the belt that she wore around her waist. "I keep it here, so I can get at it whenever I need to. And the cloak helps hide it" She called the sword an "it" today, not a "she" like she normally did; she wasn't sure if Dawali might think that it was strange that she'd named the sword and given it a gender. She gripped the hilt, pulling it up and out of the long sheath, then flipping it around and extending it toward Dawali by the bottom of the hilt so that he might take hold of it. The bags of garbage could wait a little while--or maybe they could make the garbage into compost. Either way, the garbage would still be there after their conversation.


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