Ocean and Atlantic; Joining
before you tell yourself

it's just a different scene

It had been a while since Dierdre'd had a female friend. She stayed around Moon, Phoenix, and Pilot a lot...and the pups. But ever since her mother had gone to the other pack, she hadn't made any new friends of her own gender. Maybe it was the high number of males in Storm, or maybe it was because she tended to get along better with boys than she did with girls. Girls were complicated things.

She turned her blue and yellow eyes to Phoenix, watching as he questioned the other female. Dierdre had never had to go through this before, joining a pack like this...it was probably very stressful. After everything was settled the white wolf flashed Nocht a smile. "Well then. Welcome to Storm. I'll show you around. Maybe we can meet up with my mate Pilot, too-I'm sure he'd love to help" She looked to Phoenix, "Is that okay with you, dad?"


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