island alone

She did remember Pendez a little...but the memory was vague. She wasn't sure where they had met, or what they'd done when they had seen each other. Hmm! Maybe she would see him later on, and talk about it. She'd met many wolves over her time, and sometimes it was hard to keep them all straight. Now that she didn't have the pups around as much, now that they were adults, she would be able to go out and make more friends in neighboring packs.

"Not really, but I'm still not even sure what that is. The thing I'm looking for." She shrugged. He probably knew about her children, but she couldn't be sure of it. Did he know all four? She couldn't believe that he'd had a kid without her even knowing about it at all--normally she was on top of things! And Pendez had a mate of his own, too? "Hey, congratulatinos! To both of you. I'm sorry I missed the birth--which wolf is it? Do I know her? And I had my four pups around winter time--Brooklyn, Salem, Haven, and Mati. Two girls and two boys. How many neices and nephews do I have?"


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