here in my quiet satellite

She swallowed, finally finished. Lime green eyes searched his face, tracing from the electric green eye to the scarred side of his visage. She waited to see what was writ in his expression this time, waiting to see his reaction. She didn't really know what to expect, although the last time she had looked at him he had goaded her into finishing by stirring her defiance. She never knew what to expect with him, what would flare to life inside her just because of something he said, or the way he looked. There was a bit of a thrill in it, tangled in nervousness.

She searched for any indication of reproach, interest, anything. Instead, his expression seemed closed to her. She could sense a storm that left a hollow sound behind his expression, a hint at something bitter. She frowned at his compliment, pushing it aside. Somehow, in sharing, she had managed to push him away. It was like gravity had changed. In fact, she always felt like she was fighting it when she was around him. She felt like she was fighting to coax him from the shadows when they sucked him in like a black hole.

Sighing, she flipped forward several pages, flicking her eyes back and forth from the text to Jefferson as she read aloud once more. "Today, I saw a glimpse of a side of Jefferson I never imagined I'd see so soon. I saw that he loves with the same strength with which he casts aside such words so easily. It was impossible not to see it written in the concern in his voice, in his face when he took Addison into his arms. It was like the world had stopped turning for him..."


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