I Carry the Prince in My Arms
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As the male before her confirmed his identity, the warrior dipped her maw in respect. Whatever the male was to her, he was her superior. Resting her hands upon her knees, the black fae watched the male quietly, listening as his voice formed the sounds of her name. A light smile flickered across the woman’s maw. She enjoyed hearing others say it; each person said it a little differently, creating a new sound and colour and shape that she found was quite identifiable. She explored the world in this way. When she was young, the wolf had watched the clear waters of a stream move over a black pebble, its surface smooth and gleaming as it lay beyond her reach. The meaning of her name in each individual’s voice was likewise unreachable, but the presence was there nonetheless for her to see and feel in the mind’s eye.

Cwmfen received his thanks with a soft, warm smile. "I only hope that I have not broken the truce that lies between our packs." Technically, the Adonis was responsible for trespassing onto the Inferni boarders. She had penetrated deep into the lands, a thing that she herself did not tolerate within Dahlia de Mai. Yet, she had had a good enough reason, having carried that golden prince to return him to his clan. She knew that Gabriel de le Poer’s gratitude must have been genuine, especially because Ezekiel was his son, and so she hoped that her transgression could be overlooked. Of course, as a warrior, she would be able to understand if he chose to raise the charges against her. The boy had at least been delivered from her father’s jaws; that would be enough for now. The woman hoped, however, that their meetings would not be stopped in the future. If they did meet again, she would have to go a little easy regarding his injures—but not too much.

Woad bound ears flickered forward at the sudden change of tone. The white orbs thought that she saw something dangerous in that gaze, and she knew that the tales of this leader would be true—indeed the display of skulls at the boarders would have been enough. "A warrior can distinguish between a friend and an enemy, even if they should be a single entity." The alto melody was soft in the cave as something dark flickered within the white orbs. "Your son is not my enemy," that soft alto assured. "Inferni does not have to remain in conflict with Dahlia; personal disputes can be left in that manner." Of course, for the warrior this talk of peace was only a layer of her reasoning behind her bond with the boy. As a warrior, she required war and almost promoted it. But she knew that peace must exist as well, and she knew what Cercelee wanted for Dahlia. Haku may not have agreed, but such trouble that was caused by individuals did not have to raise war. Of course, such thoughts could have been naïve. She was not a diplomat.


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