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All the wolves Heath was meeting were new, except his brother of course. Everyone else was a new experience for him to have. Each was truly different, as Heath felt this fey was. She was someone else, and such a discovery made him want to know more. She took his paw, proclaiming their departure on the grand adventure and leading him onward.

His smile widened as she strode up the stairs beside him. Golden eyes watched her more then the steps he took, or the entrance that led him into the library. Though, Heath tried not to stare, only taking sideways glances at her face and even looking down to snag a view or two of her paws. He missed the grand structure that had been built in the honor of mere pages of paper and bound leather.

It was the mention of his name that brought him back to the dusty shelves and the dim light of the large crowded room. Replaying her words in his head he remembered her question, and shook his head. No, I’m not one for books... I’m not much for reading. His voice was mater-of-fact, but there was a curiosity hidden with in them. Gathering the courage to question her once again he realized that he must have made himself sound stupid. Being illiterate was a sign of ignorance and stupidity. What do you read about? He understood that there many had a preference, and he hoped to talk more about her…


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