
She nodded, remembering her brief foray into Halifax. Her first encounter with the city had also been heavily saturated with alcohol. It wasn't something she cared to recall. Well, the experience itself hadn't been terrible. The hangover that followed the day after had been quite an experience though, not one she could forget lightly. She could bring up a vague image of a man with two different colored irises who had spun her around and danced with her. Perhaps he had only been a figment of her alcohol addled mind. She couldn't even recall his name.

She nodded in agreement of Vukasin's assessment of Phoenix Valley. "It certainly is peaceful here...As for quiet it, it really depends on the moment." Geneva grinned, thinking of the sounds of Addison playing inside and outside the ranch. Puppies were hardly ever quiet or still. And then, there were always Jefferson's dulcet tones to consider. For a man who liked to keep to himself, he certainly raised his voice quite a bit. She smiled, wondering if Vukasin would prove to be louder or softer.

"There are some islands too, a little way in. I haven't been there yet, but those look interesting too," Geneva offered. Actually, it was about time she made herself better acquainted with Phoenix Valley territories. She would need to give herself more time to recover though. She shivered lightly as a cool breeze surrounded them both.


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