I was goin’ nowhere fast
Melisande shrugged, wondering why the fellow didn't want to talk about himself. She'd become suspicious and curious all at once recently about others and their lives. Everyone had changed so much since she'd been gone, but then, she didn't know why she hadn't expected that to begin with. Everything was always changing, after all, how could she expect to leave for months and then come back and have everything just be exactly the same as it had always been? No, people came and went, and they did good things and very bad things, and sometimes they just didn't want to talk about it.

She wagged her tail. "Iskata taught me how to make jewelry a long time ago. But my aunt Fatin taught me to paint and speak French and tatoo people, artsy stuff like that. I guess I'm kind of creative." Thinking about it now, she wasn't completely sure that Fatin was an actual blood relative, let alone an aunt. That was fine, but it was just funny how no one ever told her these things.

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