I forget; you don't expect an easy answer
Melisande hadn't done enough wandering since she'd been home, it was almost as though she was afraid to leave Clouded Tears alone again, even for a moment. So much had changed since she'd been gone, now she didn't want to miss a moment. But she forced herself out, from time to time, to enjoy life in the rest of the world. She was strolling through the lands, thinking that things were incredibly boring this far out, when she heard a rustle in the little shabby looking cabin she was passing.

Melisande tiptoed carefully around the side of the building, and peered through what might have once been considered a doorway. She let her breath out, seeing that it was just another wolf, not to mention someone of her own pack. She gave a friendly little bow and a wag of her tail. "Hello there, I thought you might be a bear or something with all the noise you were making... what are you doing with the floor?" She didn't mean to be so blunt, but Melisande tended to blurt things out when she was surprised.

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