It's quite alright, did you have funnnz? PS: If Emwe and Conor existed in this thread... she doesn't know about them, lol.

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... /09vly.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Hanna smiled at the compliment, thinking for a moment on how best to answer the first question she'd been asked. "I left Dahlia because it was feeling altogether too cramped for my liking. Not," she clarified, "because of too many members, but because I have alot of family in that pack. I was one of the founding five, along with Colibri Soul, Cercelee, Slay, and Mew Sadira. Colibri was Mew's mother.. and my sister. Haku is my nephew, and Mew my niece. Who knows if there's since been any additions to the family?"

Hanna turned toward the door, figuring Lubomir would follow, and drew one of her knives, making a clean slice at each rabbit's throat, down the belly to the tail, and at each elbow and thigh to skin it. Her ears showed she was listening to him, and once she'd stopped, she pulled the skins from the rabbit and then addressed him again: "Would you prefer your meat cooked, or raw, my friend?" She'd eat hers the way he chose to eat his, and to preserve the cleanliness of her cabin, if they were going to eat raw they'd best have a picnic.

He asked about the Low Speech she'd used, or rather, seemed amazed that she knew it. This Lubomir was a learnéd fellow, it seemed, for she'd barely known about Low Speech before Pilot had taught her. The occasion brought a fond smile to her lips. "Yes, I know Low Speech, though I'm constantly learning from Tobias, the hawk you saw. I found Tobias while traveling through the old Shadowed Sun territory, with a broken wing. After being spoken to by Pilot Haddon, Toby allowed me to bind his wing, and he's stuck close to me ever since. Luna only knows why.. he's obviously strong enough to make his own way in the world.


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